Daily Bulletin

Clark Elementary Bulletin for Wednesday, January 22, 2025

GREETINGS AND SALUTATIONS! Good morning Clark Elementary! Today is Wednesday, January 22nd, the 95th Day of school, and Answer Your Cat's Question Day. Get ready, because Eddie has a lot of questions he needs answered.

THIS DAY IN HISTORY! On this day in 1912, the nearly twenty thousand Key West, Florida residents, located on a small island some 128 miles south of the Florida peninsula, observed the completion of an overseas rail connection to the mainland. It was replaced in 1938 by the Overseas Highway, built on the foundation of the old railroad bed. This system of forty-two bridges, which connects the Florida Keys to the mainland, is one of the longest over-water roads in the world.

WEATHER The weather today will be much warmer than yesterday. The high will be in the low thirties and the skies will be sunny, maybe we can thaw out a bit.

WHAT'S COOKING? For lunch, we're enjoying a bowl of delicious chili soup, a simple yet elegant ham and cheese wrap, or nibbling on a classic PB&J. We have fresh fruits and veggies to chew on and cartons full of ice-cold milk to guzzle down.

VOCABULARY BUILDER-UPPER WORD OF THE DAY Today's word of the day is spunky (spunk·y) which is an adjective that describes someone who shows courage. A spunky person is someone who's high-spirited and brave.

Someone who's spunky isn't just courageous — there's an implied pep or eagerness to the word as well. The word spunky comes from the 1530's Scottish meaning of spunk, "a spark," which is rooted in the Gaelic word spong, "tinder, pith, or sponge."

QUOTE OF THE DAY C.S. Lewis, author of The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe, once said, "Integrity is doing the right thing, even when no one is watching." The key to being a good person is being a good person even when things don't go your way or when no one is around. It's easy to be kind and honest when a teacher or parent is around. The true test is if you're kind and honest when there are no teachers or parents around. Choose, because it is absolutely a choice, to make this an exceptional Wednesday!

Please stand for the Pledge of Allegiance.

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