Daily Bulletin

Clark Elementary Bulletin for Tuesday, March 11, 2025

GREETINGS AND SALUTATIONS! Good morning, Clark Elementary! Today is Tuesday, March 11th, the 127th day of school, and National Johnny Appleseed Day!

THIS DAY IN HISTORY! On this day in 2011, the largest earthquake ever recorded in Japan caused massive devastation, and the ensuing tsunami decimated northeastern Honshu. On top of the already-horrific destruction and loss of life, the natural disaster also gives rise to a nuclear disaster at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant. The Fukushima disaster is considered the second-worst nuclear disaster in history, forcing the relocation of over 100,000 people.

WEATHER The weather today will be amazing. The high will be in the low sixties, which is perfect, and the skies will overflow with sunshine.

WHAT'S COOKING? Today we will gulp down a bowl of delicious chili, munch on a scrumptious ham and cheese wrap, or enjoy a classic PB&J. We have fresh fruits and veggies to munch on and cartons filled with refreshing, ice-cold milk to wet your whistle.

VOCABULARY BUILDER-UPPER WORD OF THE DAY Today's word of the day is grandstand (grand-stand) when used as a verb it means to show off. It can also be used as a noun, meaning a large seating area for sports spectators. This word has been used since the mid-18th century, and in the late 1800s, it was adapted into the baseball slang phrases grandstand player and grandstand play, which referred to theatrical, unnecessary moves athletes made simply to show off. These terms found their way into college slang around the same time, and grandstand became a common way to say "put on airs."

QUOTE OF THE DAY Philo of Alexandria, a super insightful guy from Alexandria, once said, "Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a great battle." Before you respond in a mean or snarky way, remember that everyone has garbage in their lives that they're dealing with. Cut each other some slack and don't forget that you are in control of how you choose to treat others. Choose to make this a stupendous Tuesday!

Please stand for the Pledge of Allegiance.

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